
  • Brand Name : Nimbex
  • Drug Class : Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
  • Medical Author : Sarfaroj Khan, BHMS, PGD Health Operations
  • Medical Reviewer :
  • _eael_post_view_count : 8

Brand Name: Nimbex

Generic Name: Cisatracurium

Drug Class: Neuromuscular Blockers, Nondepolarizing

What Is Cisatracurium and How Does It Work?

Cisatracurium is a prescription medication used for neuromuscular blockade as an adjunct to general anesthesia to facilitate tracheal intubation or skeletal muscle relaxation during surgery. 

  • Cisatracurium is available under the following different brand names: Nimbex.

What Are Dosages of Cisatracurium?

Adult and pediatric dosage

Injectable solution

  • 2mg/mL (multidose vial)
  • Contains benzyl alcohol
  • The injectable solution, preservative-free
  • 2mg/mL (single-dose vial)
  • 10mg/mL (single-dose vial)

Neuromuscular Blockade

Adult dosage

Initial dose

  • In conjunction with propofol or thiopental/nitrous oxide/oxygen induction technique.
  • 0.15-0.2 mg/kg IV bolus initially
  • Doses up to 0.4 mg/kg IV bolus have been safely administered to healthy patients and patients with serious cardiovascular disease

Maintenance dose, intermittent

  • 0.03 mg/kg IV bolus; start 40-50 minutes (after initial dose of 0.15 mg/kg) or 50-60 minutes (after initial dose of 0.2 mg/kg)

Maintenance dose, continuous infusion

  • Infuse at 3 mcg/kg/minute initially; subsequently, reduce the rate to 1-2 mcg/kg/minutes to maintain the neuromuscular blockade

Tracheal Intubation

Pediatric dosage

  • Children 1 month-23 months: 0.15 mg/kg IV bolus
  • Children 2-12 years: 0.1-0.15 mg/kg IV bolus

Skeletal Muscle Relaxation During Surgery

Pediatric dosage

  • Indicated for children aged 2 years or older
  • Infuse at 3 mcg/kg/minute initially; subsequently, reduce the rate to 1-2 mcg/kg/min to maintain the neuromuscular blockade

Dosage Considerations – Should be Given as Follows: 

  • See “Dosages”.

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